A sum of Rs 8400 is made up of 50,20,10 and 5 rupee notes.The number of 10 rupee notes is five times the number of 5 rupee notes, four times the number of 20 rupee notes and ten times the number of 50 rupee notes.What is the number of notes in each denominator?

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To solve this problem, we can assign variables to represent the number of each type of note. Let's say:

Let x = number of 50-rupee notes
Let y = number of 20-rupee notes
Let z = number of 10-rupee notes
Let w = number of 5-rupee notes

According to the given information, we can form the following equations:

Equation 1: x + y + z + w = total number of notes
Equation 2: 50x + 20y + 10z + 5w = 8400
Equation 3: z = 10w (the number of 10 rupee notes is ten times the number of 50 rupee notes)
Equation 4: z = 4y (the number of 10 rupee notes is four times the number of 20 rupee notes)
Equation 5: z = 5w (the number of 10 rupee notes is five times the number of 5 rupee notes)

Now we can solve these equations simultaneously. Let's substitute equations 3, 4, and 5 into equation 1:

x + y + (10w) + w = total number of notes
x + y + 11w = total number of notes

We can further simplify this equation to:

x + y + 11w = total number of notes --> Equation 6

Substituting equations 3, 4, and 5 into equation 2:

50x + 20y + (10z) + 5w = 8400
50x + 20y + (10 * 4y) + 5w = 8400 --> Equation 7

Now let's solve this system of equations (equations 6 and 7) using substitution or elimination method to find the values of x, y, z, and w.