need help again!!!!!

Simplify the expression. Use only positive exponents.

8x^2 y^-2 . (4xy^2)^-1
__________ ____________
x^-2y x^2y

i'm sorry i can't read your question that well. use "/" sign for fractions and "*" sign for multiplication please.


No problem! I can help you with that. To simplify the expression

(8x^2 y^-2 * (4xy^2)^-1) / (x^-2y * x^2y), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify each term inside the parentheses first.

a) Simplify the term 4xy^2 to its positive exponent form:
(4xy^2)^-1 = 1 / (4xy^2)^1 = 1 / 4xy^2

Step 2: Apply the exponent rules:

a) When dividing exponential terms with the same base, subtract the exponents:
x^2 / x^-2 = x^(2 - (-2)) = x^4

b) When dividing exponential terms with the same base, subtract the exponents:
y^(-2) / y = y^(-2 - 1) = y^-3 = 1 / y^3

c) When multiplying exponential terms with the same base, add the exponents:
x^2 * x^4 = x^(2 + 4) = x^6

d) y^-3 * y^2 = y^(-3 + 2) = y^-1 = 1 / y

Step 3: Substitute the simplified terms into the expression:

(8x^6 * (1 / 4xy^2)) / (1 / y * x^2y)

Step 4: Simplify further by multiplying the numerator and denominator by the reciprocal of the denominator:

(8x^6 * (1 / 4xy^2)) * (y * x^2y / 1)

Step 5: Simplify by canceling out common factors and multiplying:

8x^6 * (1 / 4xy^2) * y * x^2y

Step 6: Multiply the coefficients and combine the variables:

= (8 * 1 / 4) * (x^6 / x) * (y / y^2) * (x^2y)
= 2 * x^(6 - 1) * y^(1 - 2) * x^(2 + 1) * y
= 2x^5 / y * x^3 * y
= 2x^5y / y * x^3
= 2x^5 * x^3
= 2x^8

So, the simplified expression is 2x^8.