In a geometric seq. Where the first three terms are 9, -6 and 4 which term of the sequence is 256/729 ?


check: third term (-6)(-2/3)=4



256/9*729=-(2/3)^r so r is even..

remembering that 2^8=256
and checking that
then r=8

Then, since the first term is r=0, the term given must be the 9th term, at r=8

To find the term of the sequence that is 256/729, we need to determine the common ratio (r) first.

The ratio (r) between any two consecutive terms in a geometric sequence is found by dividing the second term by the first term.

In this case, the second term is -6 and the first term is 9. So, the ratio is:

r = -6/9

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:

r = -2/3

Now that we have the common ratio (r = -2/3), we can determine the position (or term number) of 256/729 in the sequence.

The formula to find the nth term of a geometric sequence is:

a(n) = a(1) * (r)^(n-1)

In this case, a(1) is 9, r is -2/3, and we want to find n such that a(n) = 256/729.

Substituting the given values into the formula:

256/729 = 9 * (-2/3)^(n-1)

To simplify the equation, let's express 256/729 as a power of -2/3.

256/729 = (-2/3)^(-4)

Comparing the equation, we have:

(-2/3)^(n-1) = (-2/3)^(-4)

By comparing the exponent of -2/3 on both sides, we can equate the two exponents:

n - 1 = -4

Solving for n:

n = -4 + 1

n = -3

Since the term number (n) cannot be negative in a sequence, it means that 256/729 is not a term in the given geometric sequence.

Therefore, there is no term in the given sequence that equals 256/729.

To find which term of the geometric sequence is equal to 256/729, we first need to determine the common ratio of the sequence.

The common ratio (r) in a geometric sequence can be found by dividing any term by its preceding term. Given that the first term (a₁) is 9 and the second term (a₂) is -6, we have:

r = a₂ / a₁ = -6 / 9 = -2/3

Now, we can express the general term (aₙ) of the geometric sequence, where n represents the term number:

aₙ = a₁ * r^(n-1)

To find the value of n when aₙ = 256/729, we can set up the equation:

256/729 = 9 * (-2/3)^(n-1)

To simplify the equation, we can express both sides as powers of a common base. Let's rewrite 256/729 as (16/27)² and -2/3 as (-8/27)³:

(16/27)² = 9 * (-8/27)^(n-1)

Now we can compare the corresponding exponents:

(2/3)² = (-2/3)^(3(n-1))

(2/3)² = (-2/3)^(3n-3)

Next, we equate the exponents:

2 = 3n - 3

Solving this equation for n:

2 + 3 = 3n

5 = 3n

n = 5/3

Since the term number (n) must be a positive integer, we can conclude that there is no integer term number corresponding to the value 256/729 in the given geometric sequence.