Evaluate the following expression using the values given:

Find 3x^2 − y^3 − y^3 − z if x = 3, y = −2, and z = −5.

Numerical Answers Expected!

thanks so much if you could help me. This is for an exam and I need to pass this.

I will be happy to check your work. Numerical Answers Expected.

We are not going to cheat for you.

Can you at least guess the answer, or hypothesize a solution. We are not an answer giving cheating community, earn your answer, and we will confirm/check it

thats the thing I need help solving it. I am completely lost on this question that I don't even know where to start.

Substitute the numbers for the letters.

Thank you someone is willing to help me solve this problem. So that's what I do first?

3*3^2--2^3--2^3--5 is what I have so far

3*3^2 = 81

2^3 = 12

so what I have based on what you have given me is 81-12-12-5. Is that correct so far?

Oh and by the way, the correct answer on this problem is 48. I got it right in the test.

To evaluate the expression 3x^2 − y^3 − y^3 − z, we need to substitute the given values of x, y, and z into the expression.


x = 3
y = -2
z = -5

Substitute these values into the expression:

3x^2 − y^3 − y^3 − z
= 3(3^2) - (-2)^3 - (-2)^3 - (-5)

First, calculate the exponentiation:
= 3(9) - (-8) - (-8) - (-5)

Next, perform the multiplications and subtractions:
= 27 + 8 - 8 + 5
= 27 + 8 - 8 + 5
= 27 + 0 + 5
= 32

So, the value of the expression 3x^2 − y^3 − y^3 − z, with x = 3, y = -2, and z = -5, is 32.

Remember, when evaluating an expression, it's important to substitute the given values correctly and then follow the order of operations (parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division from left to right, and addition and subtraction from left to right) to get the final answer.