Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

¿Qu¨¦ ___ (hacer) Uds. despu¨¦s del trabajo hoy?

I'll send this to Sra. Please check back.

Since you don't state what tense you are working with it is probably "What are you doing after work today?" (Present Tense)

¿Qué hacen Uds. después del trabajo hoy?"

It could also be the Present Progressive: ¿Qué están haciendo... or the Preterit: ¿Qué hicieron uds....

This would depend upon which level of Spanish you are studying!


¿Qué van a hacer Uds. después del trabajo hoy?

To complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb in parentheses, you need to conjugate the verb "hacer" in the second person plural form.

The correct form of the verb "hacer" in the second person plural is "hacen."

So, the complete sentence should be:
¿Qué hacen Uds. después del trabajo hoy?