how do you say:

That is the coolest thing I have ever heard in my life!
in spanish. Tysm

Please understand that this is American slang and therefore can NOT be translated per se. You'll have to find another word to convey the same sense.

¡Esta es la cosa más chévere que jamás he oído en toda la vida!


tysm ur a genius

To say "That is the coolest thing I have ever heard in my life!" in Spanish, you can say: "¡Eso es lo más genial que he escuchado en mi vida!"

Here's how you can break down the translation:

1. "That is" can be translated as "Eso es."
2. "The coolest thing" can be translated as "lo más genial."
3. "I have ever heard" can be translated as "que he escuchado."
4. "In my life" can be translated as "en mi vida."

Remember, the word order in Spanish can differ from English, so the translated sentence might have a slightly different structure.