goods costing ₹540 are sold at a gain of 10% . Find the SP

540 * 1.10


To find the selling price (SP), we need to first calculate the gain.

The gain is given as 10% of the cost price (CP). Mathematically, it can be calculated as:
Gain = 10% of CP

Now we can find the CP by subtracting the gain from the SP.
CP = SP - Gain

In this case, the cost of goods (CP) is ₹540 and the gain is 10% of CP. Let's solve the equation to find the selling price (SP).

CP = ₹540
Gain = 10% of CP

Calculating the gain:
Gain = (10/100) * CP
= (10/100) * 540
= ₹54

Now let's calculate the selling price:
SP = CP + Gain
= ₹540 + ₹54
= ₹594

The selling price (SP) of the goods is ₹594.