Which of the following is not part of the cell theory?

Cells are the building blocks of life.

All living things are made up of cells.

All cells are created from other cells through cell division. (MY ANSWER)

The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

Hoi! I believe the answer to your question is: the nucleus is the control center of the cell.

2016 im mega late

2016 i'm late 👋

deTEMMIEnation is correct

To determine which statement is not part of the cell theory, let's break down the cell theory and analyze each option:

The cell theory states:

1. Cells are the building blocks of life.
This statement is a fundamental part of the cell theory. It recognizes that all living organisms, from unicellular organisms like bacteria to complex organisms like humans, are composed of cells.

2. All living things are made up of cells.
This statement is also a key component of the cell theory. It emphasizes that living organisms, regardless of their size or complexity, are comprised of one or more cells.

3. All cells are created from other cells through cell division.
This statement is an integral part of the cell theory as well. It acknowledges that cells reproduce through cell division, producing offspring cells that inherit their genetic material from their parent cell.

4. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.
Although this statement is true and a significant aspect of cell biology, it is not explicitly a part of the original cell theory formulated by Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann. The cell theory primarily focuses on the nature and origin of cells, rather than specific organelles like the nucleus.

Therefore, the statement "All cells are created from other cells through cell division" is not part of the cell theory as it is accurately described by the third statement.

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