Express four hundred and one thousand eight hundred and nine in figures.

Is that three numbers?

If that's one number with no decimal points, the and should not be used.

in English, there are no ands in writing large numbers. So,

four hundred one thousand eight hundred nine = 401,809

To express four hundred and one thousand eight hundred and nine in figures, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the number into its three main parts: the hundreds, the thousands, and the units.
- In this case, the hundreds part is "four hundred" (400), the thousands part is "one thousand" (1,000), and the units part is "eight hundred and nine" (809).

Step 2: Convert each part into figures.
- The hundreds part, "four hundred," is already in figures as 400.
- The thousands part, "one thousand," is already in figures as 1,000.
- For the units part, "eight hundred and nine," you convert "eight hundred" (800) and "nine" (9) into figures.

Step 3: Combine all the parts.
- The final answer is obtained by adding up all the parts: 400 + 1,000 + 800 + 9 = 2,209.

Therefore, four hundred and one thousand eight hundred and nine in figures is 201,809.