The number of eggs Meg collected over the week were: Monday=8 eggs, Tuesday =5 eggs, Wednesday=6 eggs , Thursday=7 eggs, Friday=6 eggs, Saturday=5 eggs. By Sunday the weeks average was 6 eggs per day. How many eggs were collected on Sunday?

7 days @ 6 per day is 42 eggs for the week.

So, add up the rest and see how many were needed to get to 42.

To find the number of eggs collected on Sunday, we need to determine the total number of eggs collected during the week.

The total number of eggs collected over the week is the sum of the number of eggs collected each day: Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday + Thursday + Friday + Saturday + Sunday.

Monday = 8 eggs
Tuesday = 5 eggs
Wednesday = 6 eggs
Thursday = 7 eggs
Friday = 6 eggs
Saturday = 5 eggs

To find the number of eggs collected on Sunday, we need to subtract the total sum of eggs collected from Monday to Saturday from the average eggs per day multiplied by 7 (the number of days in a week).

Average eggs per day = 6 eggs per day

Total eggs collected from Monday to Saturday = 8 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 6 + 5 = 37 eggs

Total eggs collected over the entire week = Average eggs per day * Number of days in a week = 6 eggs/day * 7 days = 42 eggs

Finally, to find the number of eggs collected on Sunday, we subtract the total eggs collected from Monday to Saturday from the total eggs collected over the week:

Number of eggs collected on Sunday = Total eggs collected over the week - Total eggs collected from Monday to Saturday = 42 eggs - 37 eggs = 5 eggs

Therefore, 5 eggs were collected on Sunday.