How could John Adams defend the British soldiers but still seen as a Patriot?

Adams knew that many patriots wanted the British soldiers to be set free.

Adams defended the soldiers because many Patriots' belief in justice******

Adams defended the soldiers because he thought it would make the British pity the Patriot cause.

You guys be smarttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The answer is C.

Adams defended the soldiers while defending the Patriot’s belief in Justice.

C its C

bruh there be so many violations

Which is it?

In 1768, British troops arrived in Massachusetts to enforce the hated, tax-heavy Townshend Acts. Over the ensuing months, tensions between the colonists and their mother country’s soldiers boiled over, culminating in what became known as the Boston Massacre. The killing of five colonists following a squabble between British soldiers and Massachusetts colonists fostered a revolutionary sentiment within America that, along with a number of other milestones, ultimately led to war. However, one of the patriots so essential to the revolution, John Adams, chose to defend the British soldiers in court.

Its c

Is it C


by the way doing troll video