nancy has $250 in her savings account. she plans to save $15 per week from her salary. annie has only $200 in her account but she can save $20 a week from her paycheck. How weeks will it take before the amount in each saving account is the same?

nancy starts with $50 more, but annie can save $5 more per week

50 / 5 = 10 weeks

To find out how many weeks it will take for the amount in Nancy and Annie's savings accounts to be the same, we need to compare their savings rates.

Nancy saves $15 per week, while Annie saves $20 per week. This means Annie saves $5 more per week than Nancy.

To figure out how many weeks it will take for their savings accounts to be the same, we can divide the difference in their savings by the difference in their savings rates.

The difference in their savings is $200 - $250 = -$50 (Nancy has $50 more in her account).

The difference in their savings rates is $20 - $15 = $5.

Now we can divide the difference in their savings by the difference in their savings rates:

-50 / 5 = -10

So, it would take 10 weeks for their savings accounts to be the same.

Please note that the negative sign indicates that Nancy has a greater amount in her savings account, hence it may take 10 weeks for Annie's savings account to catch up with Nancy's.