A real estate company has a fleet of cars. The annual operating cost per car is C = 0.25m + 1300, where m represents the number of miles traveled per year. Find the maximum number of miles that each car can travel per year to yield an operating cost of no more than $4000 per vehicle.

4000 ≤ 0.25m + 1300

2700 ≤ .25m

2700/.25 = m

To find the maximum number of miles that each car can travel per year to yield an operating cost of no more than $4000 per vehicle, we need to solve the equation 0.25m + 1300 ≤ 4000.

Let's solve the inequality step by step:

1. Subtract 1300 from both sides of the inequality:
0.25m + 1300 - 1300 ≤ 4000 - 1300
0.25m ≤ 2700

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 0.25 to isolate m:
(0.25m) / 0.25 ≤ 2700 / 0.25
m ≤ 10800

So the maximum number of miles that each car can travel per year is 10800 miles in order to yield an operating cost of no more than $4000 per vehicle.