Grandpa says sam can have all the coins in his pocket if he discover the correct total valeu of the coins. What is the total value of the coins in grandpas, pocket that same should discover?show all mathematical thinking.

To find the total value of the coins in grandpa's pocket, we need to rely on the given information and use basic mathematics.

Unfortunately, the specific details about the coins are not provided, such as the number of coins or their denominations (values). Without this information, it is not possible to give an accurate answer about the total value of the coins.

However, I can provide you with a step-by-step process on how to find the total value of the coins if you were given the specific details:

Step 1: Gather information about the coins
- Ask or visually inspect the coins to determine their denominations (their values).
- Collect information about the number of each denomination.

Step 2: Determine the value of each denomination
- Assign a value to each denomination. For example, if you have pennies, dimes, and quarters, you would assign a value of 1 cent to pennies, 10 cents to dimes, and 25 cents to quarters.

Step 3: Multiply the number of coins by their values
- Multiply the number of coins of each denomination by their respective values.
- For example, if you have 3 pennies, 4 dimes, and 2 quarters, you would calculate: (3 × 1 cent) + (4 × 10 cents) + (2 × 25 cents).

Step 4: Add up the results
- Add up the individual values obtained in Step 3 to get the total value of the coins.

For instance, let's say after following the above steps, you determine that the total value of the coins in grandpa's pocket is $0.75. You could then inform Sam that the total value of the coins he needs to discover is $0.75.