Jess has some dogs and chickens in his house all in all there are 15 heads and 26 lehs, how many dogs and chickens were there?

lots of "dogs and chicken" problems listed below in Related Questions.

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To solve this problem, we can use a system of equations. Let's assign variables to the number of dogs and chickens. Let's say "d" represents the number of dogs and "c" represents the number of chickens.

We know that each animal has one head. Since there are 15 heads in total, we can write the equation:

d + c = 15 (Equation 1)

We also know that dogs have 4 legs, while chickens have 2 legs. Since there are 26 legs in total, we can write the equation:

4d + 2c = 26 (Equation 2)

Now we have a system of equations with two variables. We can solve it to find the values of "d" and "c".

To do this, we can solve Equation 1 for "d" in terms of "c":

d = 15 - c

Substitute this expression for "d" into Equation 2:

4(15 - c) + 2c = 26

Now we can simplify and solve for "c":

60 - 4c + 2c = 26
-2c = 26 - 60
-2c = -34
c = (-34)/(-2)
c = 17

So there were 17 chickens.

To find the number of dogs, substitute the value of "c" into Equation 1:

d + 17 = 15
d = 15 - 17
d = -2

However, negative values do not make sense in this context. Therefore, there are no dogs in this scenario.

In conclusion, there were 17 chickens and no dogs in Jess's house.