a school has 1800 students on its roll,40% of whom are girls.how many boys are there in the school

60% are boys

.60 * 1800 = ?

A school has 1800 student 40% are girl how many boy are there


To find the number of boys in the school, we need to subtract the number of girls from the total number of students.

Step 1: Calculate the number of girls in the school:
Multiply the total number of students (1800) by the percentage of girls (40% or 0.4):
1800 * 0.4 = 720

Step 2: Calculate the number of boys in the school:
Subtract the number of girls (720) from the total number of students (1800):
1800 - 720 = 1080

Therefore, there are 1080 boys in the school.