Please check over my answers for the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

1. The mood of the selection could best be described as
A. Frantic
B. Ominous
C. Thrilling
D. Peaceful

I Chose A

2. All of the following can be inferred about Marlow's characters except A. He is well educated B. He is brave C. He is a poor Captain D. He is paranoid

I Chose C

3. In Marlow's view, the contradiction that characterizes the African landscape is that it is
A. Inhabited, but unwelcoming
B. Sunny, but strangely cold
C. Quiet and bright, but not peaceful or joyous
D. Dangerous, but safe at the same time.

I Chose C

I haven't read this book, and apparently, no one else on Jiskha has either. You may find your answers in here:

good enough for me. thanks

1. The correct answer for the mood of the selection in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad is B. Ominous. It is a suspenseful and foreboding mood throughout the story, given the dark and unknown nature of the African jungle.

2. The answer for the characterization of Marlow's character in Heart of Darkness is D. He is paranoid. There is no evidence in the story to suggest that Marlow is paranoid. In fact, he is portrayed as brave, well-educated, and experienced.

3. The correct answer for Marlow's view on the contradiction of the African landscape in Heart of Darkness is D. Dangerous, but safe at the same time. Marlow describes the African landscape as simultaneously beautiful and overpowering, with the potential for both danger and safety coexisting within it.

For question 1, the mood of a selection can usually be determined by observing the descriptive language, tone, and atmosphere created by the author. To find the answer, you should analyze the text and look for words or phrases that convey a specific feeling. Read passages that describe the setting, events, or characters' emotions to get a sense of the overall mood in the story. In the case of "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, some words that might describe the mood are dark, mysterious, and oppressive. Based on these descriptions, the best answer is B. Ominous.

For question 2, it is important to carefully examine the information provided about Marlow's character in the story. Consider his actions, thoughts, and interactions with other characters. In this case, you need to identify which option cannot be inferred about Marlow. Going through the options given, we can determine that Marlow's level of education and bravery are both evident in the text. However, there is no information suggesting that he is a poor captain. Therefore, the correct answer is C. He is a poor captain.

For question 3, you need to analyze Marlow's view of the contradiction within the African landscape. Look for passages where Marlow expresses his thoughts or observations about the nature of the African environment. Consider the descriptions he provides and any conflicting ideas or emotions expressed. Based on the options given, Marlow describes the African landscape as quiet and bright, but not peaceful or joyous. Therefore, the best answer is C. Quiet and bright, but not peaceful or joyous.

Remember, to provide more accurate answers, it is always recommended to refer back to the original text and supporting evidence from the story itself.