For a given velocity of projection from a point on a inclined plane , the maximum range down the plane is three times the maximum range up the incline. Then find the angle of inclination of the inclined plane.

The excellent article on wikipedia

discusses finding the maximum range on a slope. You can use that to solve for the problem's conditions.

To find the angle of inclination of the inclined plane, let's break down the problem step by step.

Step 1: Understand the problem.
We are given that the maximum range down the inclined plane is three times the maximum range up the incline. The range of a projectile is the horizontal distance covered by the projectile before it hits the ground. We are also given the velocity of projection from a point on the inclined plane.

Step 2: Set up the problem.
Let's assume that the angle of inclination of the inclined plane is θ. We know that the maximum range up the incline (R1) is three times the maximum range down the plane (R2). So we can set up the equation R1 = 3R2.

Step 3: Calculate the ranges R1 and R2.
The range of a projectile can be calculated using the formula R = (v^2 * sin(2θ)) / g, where v is the velocity of projection, θ is the angle of projection, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. In this case, R1 is the range up the incline, and R2 is the range down the plane.

To find R1, plug in the velocity of projection and the angle of projection (which is θ) into the formula:
R1 = (v^2 * sin(2θ)) / g

To find R2, plug in the velocity of projection and the angle of projection (which is 180 - θ, since we're going down the plane) into the formula:
R2 = (v^2 * sin(2(180 - θ))) / g = (v^2 * sin(360 - 2θ)) / g = (v^2 * sin(-2θ)) / g

Since we are given that R1 = 3R2, we can set up the equation:
(v^2 * sin(2θ)) / g = 3 * (v^2 * sin(-2θ)) / g

Step 4: Simplify the equation to solve for θ.
By canceling out the common terms (v^2/g) from both sides of the equation, we get:
sin(2θ) = 3sin(-2θ)

Since sin(-2θ) = -sin(2θ), the equation becomes:
sin(2θ) = -3sin(2θ)

Now, we solve for θ by taking the arcsine of both sides of the equation:
2θ = arcsin(-3sin(2θ))

We can simplify this equation by dividing both sides by 2:
θ = arcsin(-3sin(2θ)) / 2

Performing this calculation will give you the angle of inclination of the inclined plane.