Your beachside inn will be ready to open next spring. To get in on the summer tourist trade, it will be necessary to…

A- offer bargain rates at first

B- give it an unforgettable name

C- advertise heavily and local newspapers

D- establish a strong web presence

The answer is not A, but now I'm thinking it is D. Am I correct?

I agree.


You're welcome.

Yes, you are correct. Option D, which suggests establishing a strong web presence, is a necessary step to get in on the summer tourist trade for your beachside inn. Here's an explanation to help you understand why:

In today's digital age, having a strong web presence is crucial for any business, especially in the travel and hospitality industry. It allows you to reach a broader audience and attract potential guests from all around the world. Here's how you can establish a strong web presence for your beachside inn:

1. Build a user-friendly website: Create a professional, visually appealing, and easy-to-navigate website that showcases your inn's unique features, amenities, and location. Make sure the website offers online booking capabilities and provides comprehensive information about your rooms, rates, and contact details.

2. Optimize for search engines: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to ensure that your website ranks higher on search engine result pages. This can be achieved by using relevant keywords, creating valuable content, optimizing meta tags, and building quality backlinks.

3. Leverage social media: Create and maintain active profiles on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Regularly share engaging content, such as stunning photos of your beachside inn, testimonials from satisfied guests, and updates on local events or attractions.

4. Online travel agencies and booking platforms: Partner with popular online travel agencies (OTAs) and booking platforms, such as, Expedia, or Airbnb. By listing your inn on these platforms, you can leverage their large customer base and attract potential guests who prefer booking through third-party websites.

5. Online reviews and ratings: Encourage your guests to leave reviews and ratings on online platforms like TripAdvisor, Google Business, or Yelp. Positive reviews can significantly enhance your reputation and credibility among potential guests, while also boosting your search engine rankings.

By following these steps and investing in a strong web presence, you can effectively market your beachside inn to a wider audience, increase your online visibility, and ultimately attract more guests, thereby getting in on the summer tourist trade.