A body of volume hundred centimetre cube is immersed completely in water contained in a jar containing water. the weight of the jar and the water before immersion was 700 grams. After immersion weight of the jar and the water will be


800gwt is the right answer but how...what is the logic???!!


The answer is 800gm as after immersing the body in the water a additional weight would be experienced which is equal to product of volume of body and density of water

To find the weight of the jar and water after immersing the body, we need to understand the concept of buoyancy and Archimedes' principle.

Archimedes' principle states that when a body is submerged in a fluid (liquid or gas), it experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. This buoyant force reduces the net weight of the body.

In this case, when the body is completely submerged in water, it will displace a volume of water equal to its own volume. Since the volume of the body is given as 100 cm³, it will displace 100 cm³ (or 100 ml) of water.

Now, to determine the weight of the jar and water after immersion, we need to consider two components:

1. Weight of the jar: The weight of the jar remains the same since it does not experience any buoyant force.

2. Weight of the water: The weight of the water decreases due to the buoyant force provided by the immersed body. The weight of the displaced water (equal to the volume of the body) is subtracted from the initial weight of the water.

Let's assume the density of water is 1 g/cm³ (which is approximately true for most practical purposes).

Volume of the body = 100 cm³
Initial weight of the jar and water = 700 grams

Density of water = 1 g/cm³
Weight of the displaced water = Volume of the body * Density of water
= 100 cm³ * 1 g/cm³
= 100 grams

Therefore, the weight of the jar and water after immersion will be:
Initial weight of the jar and water - Weight of the displaced water
700 grams - 100 grams = 600 grams

So, the weight of the jar and water after immersion will be 600 grams.

V =100cc

M=700g wt

Muuh me lo

bouyancy= densitywater*volumebody

= 1g/cc*100cc=100g

weight after immersion=700-100

500 g