Can you help me find out any information about this address? My security program identified it as a virus and promptly removed it. Can you help me identify it? ADW_WEBSEARCH.AS

STay away from sites, this virus is common there.

This is a trojan virus. It put all kinds of nasty entries into your computer registry. If you are running PCcillin. Do nothing. It is already taken care of. If not then go to housecall at trendmicro website.
and run their free on-line scanner.
I do not know how to get it out of the restore files that windows XP automatically makes, but it will not harm your computer there. Look at the incident (just below the message you listed): if it says restore in the name then you are "OK". Maybe someone else knows how to get it out of the restore files (probably delete the restore info and create new).


Based on the information you provided, it seems like you encountered a trojan virus named ADW_WEBSEARCH.AS. To find more information about this specific virus, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for the virus name using your preferred search engine (e.g., Google). In this case, search for "ADW_WEBSEARCH.AS virus."

2. Look for reputable antivirus software vendor websites or online security forums that provide information about viruses. They often have extensive databases of known viruses and their threat levels.

3. Read through the search results and click on links that appear to provide reliable and reputable information about the virus.

4. You can also consider visiting an online malware scanner or antivirus company's website to search for the virus name. They may have specific information about the virus and offer instructions on how to remove it.

Regarding the provided link to a Yahoo Answers page, it seems to be a question regarding a different virus and is not directly related to ADW_WEBSEARCH.AS. While it might not provide specific information on the virus you encountered, you can still visit the link and read the responses to gain a general understanding of how to deal with trojan viruses.

It's worth mentioning that it's always recommended to have an updated antivirus software program installed on your computer to protect against viruses, malware, and other threats. Running regular scans and keeping your software up to date will help ensure better security.