Buzz is three times as heavy as Jessie. If Buzz is 450g heavier than Jessie what is the weight of Buzz in grams?


B = 3J - 450g

J = 225g
225 x 3 = 675g
675g - 450g = 225g (Jessies weight)

Therefore Buzz must weigh 675g

To find the weight of Buzz in grams, we need to first determine Jessie's weight. Let's call Jessie's weight "x" grams.

According to the given information, we know that Buzz is three times as heavy as Jessie, so Buzz's weight would be 3 times Jessie's weight, or 3x grams.

We're also told that Buzz is 450g heavier than Jessie. Using this information, we can set up an equation:

3x = x + 450

To solve for x, we'll isolate the term with x on one side of the equation:

3x - x = 450
2x = 450

Now, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 2:

2x/2 = 450/2
x = 225

Therefore, Jessie weighs 225 grams.

To find the weight of Buzz, we substitute x with its value:

Buzz's weight = 3 * Jessie's weight
Buzz's weight = 3 * 225
Buzz's weight = 675

Therefore, Buzz weighs 675 grams.

B = 3 J ... J = B/3

B = J + 450
... B = B/3 + 450
... 2B/3 = 450
... B = 450 * 3/2