You can temporarily receive relief from acid

indigestion by using an antacid that contains a
base. Why is it not a good idea to use an
antacid routinely? (2 reasons)

unhealthy for your digestive system, offsets nature

Using an antacid routinely is not a good idea for a couple of reasons:

1. Acid Rebound: When you use antacids regularly, your stomach adjusts to the reduced acidity by producing more acid to maintain its normal pH level. This leads to a phenomenon known as acid rebound. When you stop taking antacids, you may experience an increase in acid production, resulting in even more severe symptoms of acid indigestion. This can create a cycle of dependency on antacids and make it difficult to manage acid reflux symptoms in the long term.

2. Masking Underlying Issues: Antacids only provide temporary relief by neutralizing stomach acid. They do not address the root cause of your acid indigestion. Chronic acid indigestion could be a symptom of an underlying condition such as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), ulcers, or H. pylori infection. By relying on antacids without seeking proper medical attention, you may be masking a more serious problem that requires appropriate treatment.

To address acid indigestion on a long-term basis, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional who can diagnose and treat the underlying cause rather than relying solely on antacids for relief.