a compositor takes 1 hour 45 min to compose 24 page of a book. how long will be take to compose 64 pages

1 h 45 min = 60 min + 45 min = 105 min

24 / 105 = 64 / x Muultiply both sides bx x

24 x / 105 = 64 Multiply both sides by 105

24 x = 64 * 105

24 x = 6720 Divide both sides by 24

x = 6720 / 24 = 280 min

x = 240 min + 40 min = 4 * 60 min + 40 min = 4 h 40 min


64 / 24 = 8 * 8 / ( 8 * 3 ) = 8 / 3

( 8 / 3 ) * 105 = 8 * 105 / 3 = 840 / 3 = 280 min = 4 h 40 min

I have found useful in doing these maths thank you google and give like this type of Google answers every time thank you.

this is nice one but very hard u have to give a simple solution i can't understand this at all

plzzzzz,,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzZz make easy or difine it in detal

Very lengthy answer in short you tell sir

To find out how long it will take the compositor to compose 64 pages, we can use a proportion.

Let's first find the compositor's rate of composition in pages per hour.

The compositor takes 1 hour 45 minutes to compose 24 pages. Convert 1 hour 45 minutes to decimal form:

1 hour = 60 minutes
45 minutes = 45/60 = 0.75 hours

So, the compositor completes 24 pages in 1.75 hours.

Next, find the compositor's rate per hour:

Rate = Pages / Time
Rate = 24 pages / 1.75 hours
Rate ≈ 13.71 pages/hour (rounding to two decimal places)

Now, we can use this rate to calculate how long it will take to compose 64 pages:

Time = Pages / Rate
Time = 64 pages / 13.71 pages/hour
Time ≈ 4.67 hours (rounding to two decimal places)

Therefore, it will take approximately 4.67 hours to compose 64 pages.