The tort of defamation of character requires a plaintiff to prove that the defendant __________.  

A. publicized a private fact about the plaintiff
B. insulted people closely related to the plaintiff, such as family or friends
C. published an untrue statement of fact about the plaintiff to a third party
D. made one or more financial deals with the plaintiff under a false identity

Answer C

I agree.


Does Ryan Kavanaugh look like Harvey Weinstein?

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the options:

A. Publicized a private fact about the plaintiff: This option refers to the tort of invasion of privacy, not defamation of character. Defamation involves making false statements about someone, not necessarily disclosing private information.

B. Insulted people closely related to the plaintiff, such as family or friends: This option does not accurately represent the elements of defamation. Defamation typically involves false statements made directly about the plaintiff, not necessarily their close relations.

C. Published an untrue statement of fact about the plaintiff to a third party: This option accurately describes the main element of defamation. To prove defamation, the plaintiff needs to demonstrate that the defendant made a false statement of fact about them and communicated it to a third party. The statement must be made as a fact and not as an opinion or mere exaggeration.

D. Made one or more financial deals with the plaintiff under a false identity: This option is unrelated to defamation and pertains to fraudulent financial dealings rather than statements about character.

Considering the above analysis, the correct answer is C: published an untrue statement of fact about the plaintiff to a third party.