How do I write 0.8% as a fraction in lowest terms?

I thought I put .8 over 10 and then multiplied by 10/10 to get rid of the decimal. So then I would have 80/100 and then reduce from there which would be 4/5, but my teacher says the answer is 1/125.

Thank you.

Thank you.

To write a percentage as a fraction in lowest terms, you need to follow the steps you mentioned. Let's go through the process again step by step.

Step 1: Start by writing the percentage as a decimal. In this case, 0.8% is equivalent to 0.008 in decimal form.

Step 2: Convert the decimal to a fraction. To do this, we write the decimal as the numerator and the denominator as the place value of the last digit.

In this case, the last digit is in the thousandths place, so the denominator is 1000: 0.008 = 8/1000.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction to lowest terms. In this case, both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 8, so we can simplify:

8/1000 = 1/125.

So, your earlier answer of 4/5 was incorrect. The correct answer is 1/125. It's important to note that when writing a percentage as a fraction, it's crucial to convert the percentage to a decimal first before proceeding with the process.

Think about the method and the pattern

if you had 80% ----> 80/100 = 4/5
if you had 8% -----> 8/100 = 2/25
if you had .8% ----> .8/100
= 8/1000 = 1/125

your .8/100 * 10/10 = 8/1000 , not 8/100