The graph of y=v(x) contains the point (−12,−8). What point must be on the graph of each of the functions below?

Enter points as (a,b) including the parentheses.
The graph of y=−(v(1/4(x+13))−13) must contain the point (?,?)
The graph of y=4v(−3x−13)−9 must contain the point (?,?)

for the first i got (?,21)

for the second (?,-41)
im stuck

ok got it thx!

To determine the point that must be on the graph of each function, we need to substitute the given x-coordinate into the function and find the corresponding y-coordinate.

1. For the function y = −(v(1/4(x+13))−13):
- Substitute x = -12 into the function.
- Plug in x = -12: y = −(v(1/4(-12+13))−13)
- Simplify the expression inside the function: y = −(v(1/4(1))−13)
- Simplify further: y = −(v(1/4)−13)
- Calculate v(1/4): v(1/4) = ?
- The resulting point on the graph is (?, ?).

2. For the function y = 4v(−3x−13)−9:
- Substitute x = -12 into the function.
- Plug in x = -12: y = 4v(−3(-12)−13)−9
- Simplify the expression inside the function: y = 4v(36-13)−9
- Simplify further: y = 4v(23)−9
- Calculate v(23): v(23) = ?
- The resulting point on the graph is (?, ?).

To find the points (?, ?), you will need to evaluate the function v(x) for each specific input x. Unfortunately, the information provided does not include the expression or values for v(x), so we are unable to provide the exact points without further information.

If the point (40,3) is on the graph of y=f(x), what point must be on the graph of y=8f(8x) (5,24)

just solve
x+13 = -12
x = -25
y = -(-8/4-13) = 15
So, the new graph must contain (-25,15)

similarly for the other one.