In Word, a red wavy underline indicates a/an

A. possible grammatical error.
B. AutoCorrect suggestion.
C. hard page break.
D. possible misspelled word.

my answer is d.


Your answer is correct. In Word, a red wavy underline typically indicates a possible misspelled word.

Correct! In Word, a red wavy underline typically indicates a possible misspelled word.

To find the answer to this question, you could have done the following:
1. Familiarize yourself with Microsoft Word and its various features.
2. Open Word and type some text that contains a misspelled word.
3. Observe the red wavy underline that appears beneath the misspelled word.
4. Understand that this red wavy underline is the visual indicator used by Word to suggest a possible spelling mistake.
5. Cross-reference the provided options (A, B, C, D) and choose the one that represents "possible misspelled word," which is option D.

Well done on reaching the correct answer!