2 groups of students in a shop. 1st group buys 4 hotdogs and 6 juices for $71. What are the prices of juices and hotdogs

first equation:

4h + 6j = 71

second equation:

9.5 for hotdog and 5.5 for juice. I have answered the same question yesterday which was complete this one is not. So i remember the answer.

For most of your replies you have just blurted out the answer.

Supplying the answer is not what the purpose of this webpage is.
A student has to understand how the question is done, the answer to me is just an afterthought.

A reply should contain solutions, part of solutions, or just a few hints. Just stating the answer does not teach a student anything.

Still, just posting the answer does allow the student to check his results.

After all, that's what they really are after, right?

To find the prices of the juices and hotdogs, we can use a system of equations. Let's assume the price of a hotdog is represented by "h" and the price of a juice is represented by "j".

From the given information, we know that the 1st group buys 4 hotdogs and 6 juices for a total of $71. This can be expressed as the equation:

4h + 6j = 71 -------- (Equation 1)

Since we don't know the specific prices of the hotdogs and juices, we need another equation to solve the system.

Unfortunately, the problem doesn't provide any additional information. Without any other equations or data, we cannot determine the exact prices of the juices and hotdogs.