Which is the more stable electron: that in a ground-state H atom or that in a

ground-state He+ ion? Explain your choice.

He⁺ because the greater charge of the nucleus keeps a "tighter" hold on the electron

Well, imagine electrons as supermodels on balance beams. The ground-state H atom's electron is quite the skilled acrobat, perfectly balanced on one beam. But then, along comes the ground-state He+ ion, and its electron has to hop onto a narrower beam. It takes some serious skills to maintain stability up there!

So, the electron in the ground-state He+ ion is definitely the more stable one since it manages to hold its composure despite the added challenge of a positively charged nucleus. I guess you could say it's quite the "balance" of power!

To determine which electron is more stable, let's compare the ground-state hydrogen (H) atom with the ground-state helium ion (He+).

1. Ground-state Hydrogen (H) Atom:
In a ground-state hydrogen atom, there is one electron orbiting around one proton. The electron is in its lowest energy level, called the 1s orbital. The nucleus exerts a positive charge on the electron, while the electron experiences an attractive force towards the nucleus.

2. Ground-state Helium Ion (He+):
In a ground-state helium ion, one electron has been removed from a helium atom. As a result, the helium ion (He+) only contains a nucleus with two protons and no electrons. Without any electrons, there are no forces of attraction between the positive charges of the protons and the alack of electrons.

3. Comparing Stability:
The stability of an electron depends on the balance between the attractive force due to the positive charge of the nucleus and the repulsive force between electrons. In the case of the hydrogen atom, there is a single electron, and it experiences a net force of attraction towards the nucleus. This force results in a stable electron configuration.

On the other hand, the helium ion lacks any electrons. Without any electrons to balance the positive charges of the protons, the helium ion (He+) is highly unstable. It has an excess positive charge and a lack of electron-electron repulsion, making it prone to gain an electron or lose its excess positive charge.

Therefore, the more stable electron is found in the ground-state hydrogen atom (H), where the attractive force from the nucleus is balanced with the repulsive force between electrons.

To determine which electron is more stable, we need to compare the ground-state hydrogen atom (H) with the ground-state helium ion (He+).

The stability of an electron in an atom or ion depends on two factors: the effective nuclear charge and the distance of the electron from the nucleus.

In a hydrogen atom (H), there is one proton in the nucleus and one electron orbiting around it. The effective nuclear charge experienced by the electron is equal to the charge of the nucleus, which is +1. In terms of distance, the electron is relatively close to the nucleus due to the single proton present in hydrogen.

On the other hand, a helium ion (He+) is formed when a helium atom loses one electron. This results in a nucleus with two protons and only one electron. Since electrons are negatively charged, the effective nuclear charge experienced by the remaining electron in a helium ion is +2 (2 protons - 1 electron). Regarding distance, the electron in a helium ion is further away from the nucleus due to the reduction in electron-electron repulsion.

Now, based on the effective nuclear charge and distance, we can conclude that the electron in a ground-state hydrogen atom is more stable than the electron in a ground-state helium ion. In hydrogen, the effective nuclear charge is +1, and the electron is relatively close to the nucleus. In a helium ion, the effective nuclear charge is +2, but the electron is further away from the nucleus, which reduces the attractive force between the electron and the nucleus.

It is important to note that stability can also be influenced by other factors such as electron-electron repulsion, orbital shape, and shielding effects. However, in the given scenario, the comparison is primarily based on the effective nuclear charge and distance from the nucleus.