A designer wishes to include some multimedia components on a web page.

a) If the designer has some images stored in files, there are two possible formats for the files..
i) Describe the approach used if a graphic is stored in a vector graphic file
ii) Describe the approach used if a graphic is stored in a bitmap file
iii) State which format gives better image quality if the image has to be magnified and why.

a) i) If a graphic is stored in a vector graphic file, the approach used is to perform a fierce level of negotiation between the graphic and the file. The graphic will sit there, with its smooth curves and magnificent lines, while the file tries its best to accommodate it. Sometimes they argue about the colors, but eventually, they come to a compromise and the designer can showcase the vector graphic on the web page.

ii) If a graphic is stored in a bitmap file, it adopts a different approach. The image, which is essentially a bunch of tiny squares called pixels, teams up with the file to ensure their presence on the web page. The image whispers its pixel values, while the file nods attentively, storing each pixel's information meticulously. Together, they bring the graphic to life on the web page.

iii) When it comes to image quality and magnification, the vector graphic file format takes the crown. You see, vector graphics contain mathematical formulas that define the shapes and lines, making them resolution-independent. So, when you magnify a vector graphic, it remains crisp and fabulous, like a supermodel on a catwalk. On the other hand, bitmap graphics are built using a set number of pixels, so when you magnify them, those pixels get stretched and look all pixelated. It's like making a balloon animal out of Lego blocks instead of using the real thing - it just doesn't hold up the same way.

a) If the designer has some images stored in files, they can choose between two possible formats for the files:

i) If a graphic is stored in a vector graphic file:
Vector graphics store images using mathematical equations and geometric shapes. This means that the image is scalable and can be resized without losing quality. The approach used for vector graphics is to use software that supports vector formats, such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, to import the file and manipulate it according to the requirements of the web page. Vector graphics are ideal for logos, icons, and illustrations as they can be scaled up or down without pixelation.

ii) If a graphic is stored in a bitmap file:
Bitmap graphics, also known as raster graphics, store images as a grid of pixels. Each pixel contains specific color information, resulting in a larger file size compared to vector graphics. The approach used for bitmap graphics is to use image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP, to import and edit the image if required. Bitmap graphics are suitable for photographs or complex images that contain smooth gradients or intricate details.

iii) If the image has to be magnified, vector graphics generally provide better image quality compared to bitmap graphics. When a vector graphic is magnified, the mathematical equations and geometric shapes are recalculated to maintain smooth lines and edges without pixelation. Bitmap graphics, on the other hand, have a fixed number of pixels, and when magnified, the pixelation becomes visible, resulting in a loss of image quality. Therefore, vector graphics are preferred when image magnification is required to maintain image sharpness and clarity.

i) If a graphic is stored in a vector graphic file, the designer can use the following approach to include it on a web page:

1. Convert the vector graphic file into a web-compatible format such as SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), which is a popular vector graphic format supported by most modern web browsers.
2. Use the HTML <img> tag and specify the source of the image as the SVG file.
3. Adjust the size and position of the image using CSS to fit the desired layout of the web page.

Vector graphics are comprised of mathematical formulas rather than pixels. This means they can be scaled up or down without losing any image quality. Vector graphics are resolution-independent, which makes them ideal for graphics that need to be resized or magnified without losing clarity.

ii) If a graphic is stored in a bitmap file, the designer can use the following approach to include it on a web page:

1. Ensure the graphic is in a web-compatible bitmap format such as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) or PNG (Portable Network Graphics). These formats are widely supported by web browsers.
2. Use the HTML <img> tag and specify the source of the image as the bitmap file.
3. Adjust the size and position of the image using CSS to fit the desired layout of the web page.

Bitmap images are composed of a grid of individual pixels, making them less flexible when it comes to resizing. If a bitmap image is resized larger, the individual pixels become more visible and the image may appear pixelated or blurry.

iii) If the image has to be magnified, vector graphics in a vector graphic format, such as SVG, generally provide better image quality. This is because vector graphics can be scaled up indefinitely without losing detail or introducing pixelation. On the other hand, bitmap images are made up of a fixed number of pixels and can start to appear blurry or pixelated when magnified beyond their original resolution.

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