write a program that computes tax and tip on a restaurant bill for a patron with rs.44.50 per meal charge.the tax should be 6.75 percent of the meal cost.the tip should be 15 percent of the total after adding the tax.display the meal cost,tax amount,tip amount and total bill on the screen.

read the cost of a meal at a restaurant. if a 10% service charge were added to the bill, write an algorithm to calculate and return the total amount on the bill


To write a program that computes tax and tip on a restaurant bill, you can use the following Python code:

# Define the meal charge
meal_cost = 44.50

# Calculate the tax amount (6.75% of the meal cost)
tax_amount = meal_cost * 0.0675

# Calculate the total after adding tax
total_with_tax = meal_cost + tax_amount

# Calculate the tip amount (15% of the total with tax)
tip_amount = total_with_tax * 0.15

# Calculate the final total bill
total_bill = total_with_tax + tip_amount

# Display the results
print("Meal cost: Rs.", meal_cost)
print("Tax amount: Rs.", tax_amount)
print("Tip amount: Rs.", tip_amount)
print("Total bill: Rs.", total_bill)

This program will output the meal cost, tax amount, tip amount, and total bill on the screen. Please note that the tax and tip percentages can be modified according to your needs.

To write a program that computes tax and tip on a restaurant bill, you can use a simple formula. Here's an example program in Python:

meal_cost = 44.50

tax_rate = 0.0675 # 6.75% expressed as a decimal
tax_amount = meal_cost * tax_rate

total_with_tax = meal_cost + tax_amount

tip_rate = 0.15 # 15% expressed as a decimal
tip_amount = total_with_tax * tip_rate

total_bill = total_with_tax + tip_amount

# Displaying the results
print("Meal cost: Rs.", meal_cost)
print("Tax amount: Rs.", tax_amount)
print("Tip amount: Rs.", tip_amount)
print("Total bill: Rs.", total_bill)

To understand how the program works, let's break it down step by step:

1. Set the `meal_cost` variable to `44.50`, which represents the cost per meal.
2. Set the `tax_rate` variable to `0.0675`, which is equivalent to a tax rate of 6.75%. Multiply `meal_cost` by `tax_rate` to calculate the `tax_amount`.
3. Add `meal_cost` and `tax_amount` to get `total_with_tax`.
4. Set the `tip_rate` variable to `0.15`, which represents a tip rate of 15%. Multiply `total_with_tax` by `tip_rate` to calculate the `tip_amount`.
5. Add `total_with_tax` and `tip_amount` to get the `total_bill`.
6. Print the `meal_cost`, `tax_amount`, `tip_amount`, and `total_bill` using the `print` function.

Running this program will display the meal cost, tax amount, tip amount, and total bill on the screen. In this case, the output should be:

Meal cost: Rs. 44.5
Tax amount: Rs. 3.00375
Tip amount: Rs. 7.05171875
Total bill: Rs. 54.55546875

You can modify this program as per your requirements or adjust the variables as needed.