hi, I just need some ideas in how to make a SOP Standard operating procedure for guard behavior in a correctional. I think I will be including things like guard fraternization with prisoners, treatment of prisoners of the opposite sex, acceptance of bribes or favors by guards, prisoner favoritism and disciplining of prisoners by guards, but the only thing is I really don't know how to make an SOP. Just need an idea that is all, I am not asking for anything else. Thanks


Since when do guards discipline prisoners? Doesn't that violate the equal protection part of the Constitution.

Most SOP would have to do with Guard and Prisoner safety, how to escort, when to break up fights, how to search, what to do in an emergency, etc.

SOP is the main way lives are saved. The sex business is a rather minimal part of the effort. The main job of guards is to preserve life, property, and administer the day to day operations of the unit. Tensions are always high, and the units are full of anti-social folks, in come cases sociopaths, who are not gentle. I think I would focus on safe procedures, and safety, and monitoring.

Creating a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for guard behavior in a correctional facility involves several steps. Here's a general outline to help you get started:

Step 1: Define the Purpose and Scope
Clearly articulate the purpose of the SOP, such as maintaining a safe, secure, and ethical environment in the correctional facility. Specify the scope, which should cover guard behavior related to the areas you mentioned: fraternization, treatment of prisoners of the opposite sex, acceptance of bribes or favors, prisoner favoritism, and disciplining of prisoners.

Step 2: Research and Gather Information
Collect relevant policies, regulations, legal requirements, and best practices from your organization, government bodies, correctional industry associations, and other credible sources. Ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Step 3: Identify Key Processes and Activities
Break down the different processes and activities related to the areas you want to cover. For example, guard fraternization may involve identifying prohibited relationships, reporting procedures, and disciplinary actions.

Step 4: Outline the Procedure
Create a clear and logical structure for your SOP. Divide it into sections and sub-sections based on the key processes and activities identified in Step 3. Use headings and numbered steps to ensure the procedural flow.

Step 5: Document the Procedure
Write a detailed description for each step in a clear and concise manner. Include specific actions, responsibilities, and timelines. Provide references to relevant policies, regulations, or supporting documents when necessary.

Step 6: Consult with Stakeholders
Seek input from relevant stakeholders, such as correctional management, supervisors, guards, and legal counsel. Their expertise and perspectives can help ensure your SOP is comprehensive and effective.

Step 7: Review and Revise
Review the initial draft of the SOP for accuracy, clarity, and completeness. Revise as needed to address any gaps or inconsistencies. Consider incorporating feedback from stakeholders.

Step 8: Obtain Approval
Submit the revised SOP for approval according to your organization's process. This may involve routing it through relevant departments or individuals for review and sign-off.

Step 9: Distribute and Train
Once approved, distribute the SOP to all relevant personnel. Conduct training sessions or presentations to ensure everyone understands the procedures and their responsibilities.

Step 10: Review and Update
Regularly review the SOP to ensure it remains up to date with any new regulations, policies, or industry best practices. Make updates as necessary and communicate the changes to the appropriate staff.

Remember to tailor the SOP to your specific correctional facility's needs and adjust the steps accordingly.