A bus leaves a station at 10am and averages 60 mph. Another bus, traveling at 75 mph, leaves the same station 30 mins later following the same route. What time does the second bus catch up with the first bus?

I don't know how to work this out at all!

In 30 minutes, the first bus has gone 39 miles

The 2nd bus goes 15 mi/hr faster.

So, how long does it take to cover the extra 30 miles?

It's the same as if the 1st bus stopped 30 miles away, and the 2nd bus drove 15mph to meet it.

Mr A is travelling at 80 Kmph and leaves point X at 815 am, however, Mr B is travelling at 120 Kmph but leaves point Y which is 100 Km further away (behind) from point X at the same time, at what time will Mr B meet Mr A assuming they are travelling in the same direction? a. How far is point K from point X? b. How far is point X from point K? c. How far is point Y from point K? (4 questions

Mr B will meet Mr A 10:45am

To find out what time the second bus catches up with the first bus, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the 30 minutes that the second bus is behind the first bus into hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 30 minutes is equal to 0.5 hours.

Step 2: Determine the head start time of the first bus. Since the first bus leaves at 10 am, and the second bus is 30 minutes behind, the head start time of the first bus is 10 am plus 0.5 hours, which is 10:30 am.

Step 3: Calculate the time it takes for the second bus to catch up with the first bus. To do this, you need to find the time difference between when the second bus leaves the station and when it catches up with the first bus. Since both buses are traveling the same route at different speeds, the second bus catches up with the first bus at a rate of 75 mph - 60 mph = 15 mph.

Step 4: Use the formula time = distance / speed to calculate the time it takes for the second bus to catch up with the first bus. The distance that needs to be covered is the head start distance of the first bus, which is (0.5 hours) x (60 mph) = 30 miles. So, the time it takes for the second bus to catch up is 30 miles / 15 mph = 2 hours.

Step 5: Add the time it takes for the second bus to catch up with the head start time of the first bus to find out the actual catching up time. 10:30 am + 2 hours = 12:30 pm.

Therefore, the second bus catches up with the first bus at 12:30 pm.