I've got a couple questions here, and I'm not sure how to solve any of them.

1. Armen is covering his countertop with new tile. His countertop is 3 meters long, and 2 meters wide. Each square tile is 10.5 centimeters on either side. Approximately how many tiles does he need to cover the countertop.

I think with this, you have to convert meters to centimeters to make the problem easier to solve, but I'm not sure exactly how to go about the rest.

2. Charlie's Chocolates charges $12 for each pound of truffles plus $25 to deliver and include advertising for school fundraising. Write an equation in slope intercept form that shows the total cost y for x pounds of chocolate.

I flat out have no clue about this one, because everything about slope intercept things confuses me.

correct about the conversion to start.

3 m = 300 cm
2 m = 200 cm, (isn't the metric system great??)

but 300/10.5 = 28.5 , so you will need 29 one way, and
200/10.5 = 19.04..
darn!, you will have to have 20 along the width
So you will need 20x29 or 580 tiles.

( in reality you might get away with 19 going one way, since grouting will take care of that little gap)


Cost = 12x + 25

to understand it better,
for 1 pound, Cost = 12 + 25
for 2 pounds , Cost = 12(2) + 25
for 3 pounds, Cost = 12(3) + 25
for x pounds , Cost = 12(x) + 25

makes sense, doesn't it?

Thank you both so so much! I think I might actually get it now, lol

No worries, I'll be happy to help you with these questions!

1. To find out approximately how many tiles Armen needs to cover the countertop, we need to determine the total area of the countertop and then divide it by the area of each individual tile.

First, let's convert the dimensions of the countertop from meters to centimeters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, the length of the countertop in centimeters is 3 meters * 100 centimeters/meter = 300 centimeters, and the width is 2 meters * 100 centimeters/meter = 200 centimeters.

Next, calculate the area of the countertop by multiplying its length by its width: Area = length * width = 300 cm * 200 cm = 60,000 square centimeters.

Now, let's find the area of each square tile. Since each side of the tile is 10.5 centimeters, the area of each tile would be 10.5 cm * 10.5 cm = 110.25 square centimeters.

Finally, divide the total area of the countertop by the area of each tile to find the approximate number of tiles needed: Number of tiles = Total area of countertop / Area of each tile = 60,000 square cm / 110.25 square cm = approximately 543 tiles (rounded to the nearest whole number).

So, Armen would need around 543 tiles to cover his countertop.

2. In this question, we are asked to write an equation in slope-intercept form that represents the total cost (y) for x pounds of chocolate when considering the cost per pound of truffles and the delivery and advertising fee.

The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Given the information that Charlie's Chocolates charges $12 per pound of truffles and a $25 fee for delivery and advertising, we can express the equation as follows:

y = 12x + 25

The slope of the equation is 12, which represents the cost per pound of truffles, and the y-intercept is 25, which represents the fixed cost for delivery and advertising.

So, if you know the number of pounds of chocolate (x), you can use this equation to calculate the total cost (y).