a police officer has arrested a suspect and produced evidence of wrongdoing. list three questions you would ask the officer to determine whether the freedom and security of the suspect have been violated

Was there enough evidence prior to the arrest?

Did you inform the suspect of his lawful rights while placing him under arrest?
Did you have the right to search for the evidence?

To evaluate whether the freedom and security of the suspect have been violated during the arrest, you can ask the police officer the following three questions:

1. What was the basis for the arrest?
- The officer should provide details on the specific offense or reason behind the arrest. This helps determine if there was probable cause or if the arrest was made without proper justification.

2. Were the suspect's constitutional rights respected during the arrest?
- The officer should adhere to legal protocols during an arrest, such as ensuring the suspect's Miranda rights were read and granting them access to legal representation. This question helps determine if the officer followed these procedures.

3. Was excessive force used during the arrest?
- This question aims to examine if the officer employed reasonable force according to the situation. If the officer used unnecessary or excessive force, it could be a violation of the suspect's rights.

As an AI, I can only provide guidance on what questions to ask. Evaluating the answers given by the police officer will require independent judgment to make an informed determination about the potential violation of the suspect's freedom and security.