Sentence 9:When you are certain that your qualifications and the job requirements match compile a proper resume and write a cover letter that is brief and grammatically correct.

What correction should be made to this sentence?

1. insert a comma after qualifications
2. change match to matches
3. insert a comma after match
4. change write to writing
5. change is to was


Right, again! :-)

I'm on a mission !!! ;-)

To answer this question, let's analyze the sentence.

"When you are certain that your qualifications and the job requirements match compile a proper resume and write a cover letter that is brief and grammatically correct."

The sentence seems to be a set of instructions or advice for someone when they are confident that their qualifications and job requirements align. Let's now consider the options provided:

1. "Insert a comma after qualifications": This option does make sense because there is a list of items (qualifications and job requirements) in this sentence, so using a comma to separate them is appropriate. However, the sentence could also be read as a compound sentence, where "when you are certain" serves as a dependent clause, and "compile a proper resume" and "write a cover letter" as the main clauses. In this case, a comma is not required.

2. "Change match to matches": "Match" is already in the plural form, which aligns with both "qualifications" and "job requirements." Therefore, this option is not necessary.

3. "Insert a comma after match": This option matches the same reasoning as option 1. Although a comma could be used here, it is not necessary if we interpret the sentence as a compound sentence.

4. "Change write to writing": This option is incorrect. "Write" is the correct verb form to use in this sentence.

5. "Change is to was": This option is also incorrect. The verb tense "is" is appropriate for the present tense of the sentence.

Considering the explanations above, the best correction for this sentence is option 1: "Insert a comma after qualifications." This would yield the following revised sentence:

"When you are certain that your qualifications, and the job requirements match, compile a proper resume and write a cover letter that is brief and grammatically correct."