Why did the Irish, Chinese, and Mexican immigrate?

I went to http://www.google.com and entered irish immigrate us and got these results:


You can do the same with chinese immigrate us and mexican immigrate us.


Yes... but is there a way to know WHY they immigrated? That's why I'm stuck.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You have already received excellent help from Writeacher so I hope I'm not repeating anything but here are some articles stating WHY immigrants immigrate!

1. http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/immig/alt/irish.html (Irish)

2. http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/immig/alt/chinese.html (Chinese)

3. http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/immig/alt/mexican.html (Mexican)

You can see that essentially all immigrants are looking for a "better" life.

The reasons why the Irish, Chinese, and Mexican people immigrated can vary, but generally speaking, people immigrate in search of better economic opportunities, political stability, and improved living conditions. If you want to know the specific reasons why these particular groups immigrated, you can conduct a search on a search engine like Google.

To find information on why the Irish immigrated, you can go to a search engine like Google and enter "Irish immigrate US." This will provide you with a list of search results that you can click on to find more information. One source you can refer to is the website of the Library of Congress, which has an article specifically on Irish immigration to the United States.

Similarly, if you want to find information on Chinese immigration, you can enter "Chinese immigrate US" into a search engine. This will give you a list of search results that you can explore for more information. Another source you can refer to is the website of the Library of Congress, which has an article on Chinese immigration to the United States.

Lastly, if you want to find information on Mexican immigration, you can enter "Mexican immigrate US" into a search engine. This will provide you with search results that you can click on to learn more. Again, the website of the Library of Congress has an article on Mexican immigration to the United States, which can provide you with insights into the motivations for Mexican immigrants.

By conducting these searches and referring to reliable sources like the Library of Congress, you should be able to find information on why the Irish, Chinese, and Mexican people immigrated.