x, 123

y, 258

Enter the answer as y=mx+c

what question?

y = 1x+135

y = 2x+12
y = 3x-111

or many other possibilities. A single point does not give much information.

To find the equation in the form y = mx + c given the values of x and y, you need to calculate the values of m and c.

To calculate m, which represents the slope of the line, you can use the formula:

m = (change in y) / (change in x)

In this case, the change in y is 258 - 123 = 135 and the change in x is 258 - 123 = 135, so the slope is:

m = 135 / 135 = 1

To calculate c, which represents the y-intercept (the point where the line crosses the y-axis), you can substitute the coordinates of one of the points (x, y) into the equation y = mx + c and solve for c.

Using the point (x = 123, y = 258):

258 = 1(123) + c

258 = 123 + c

c = 258 - 123

c = 135

Therefore, the equation of the line is y = 1x + 135 or simply y = x + 135.