Reuben bought a ski helmet from an online sports store. The helmet was shipped to his home in Stirling, Alberta from Provo. Utah. The list price of the helmet was $165.00 US. On the day Reuben purchased the helmet, the currency exchange rate was $1 US= $1.04 CAD. How much did Reuben pay for the helmet in Canadian dollars?

Thanks in advance

165 * 1.04

To calculate how much Reuben paid for the helmet in Canadian dollars, we need to convert the US price to CAD using the given exchange rate.

The list price of the helmet is $165.00 US.

Given that $1 US is equal to $1.04 CAD, we can multiply the US price by the exchange rate:

$165.00 US * $1.04 CAD/ $1 US = $171.60 CAD

Therefore, Reuben paid $171.60 CAD for the helmet.

To determine how much Reuben paid for the helmet in Canadian dollars, we need to multiply the list price of the helmet in US dollars by the currency exchange rate from US dollars to Canadian dollars. Here's how you can calculate it:

Step 1: Convert the list price of the helmet from US dollars to Canadian dollars using the given currency exchange rate.
$165.00 US * $1.04 CAD/US dollar = $171.60 CAD

Therefore, Reuben paid $171.60 CAD for the helmet.