What is the place value of 5 in the smallest possible nine digit number without repeating?



To find the place value of a digit in a number, we need to understand the concept of place value. In our decimal number system, each digit in a number represents a specific value depending on its position. The rightmost digit is in the ones place, the digit to the left of that is in the tens place, the next digit is in the hundreds place, and so on.

Since you're looking for the smallest possible nine-digit number without repeating any digits, we can start by assuming that the leftmost digit will be 1, as it needs to be the smallest possible digit.

So, the number will look like this: 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Now, we have eight remaining digits to fill in the remaining eight places. Since we can't have repeating digits, we need to choose from the remaining nine digits (0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9).

The smallest possible digit among the remaining set of digits is 0. However, we cannot place 0 in the leftmost position because it would then become an eight-digit number.

Therefore, we need to place the digit 5 in the leftmost position to create the smallest possible nine-digit number without repeating any digits.

Hence, the place value of 5 in the smallest possible nine-digit number without repeating is the hundred-millionth (100,000,000th) place.