70 patients in a hospital consume 1350 liters of milk in 30 days. At the same rate, how many patients will consume 1710 liters in 28 days?

1350/70/30 = 1710/x/28

x = 95

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of proportions.

Let's start by finding the rate at which each patient consumes milk. We divide the total liters of milk consumed by the total number of patients and the number of days:

Rate = Total liters of milk consumed / (Number of patients * Number of days)

In the first case:
Rate1 = 1350 liters / (70 patients * 30 days)
= 1350 liters / 2100 patient-days
= 0.643 liters/patient-day

Now, we can use the rate to find the number of patients who will consume a certain amount of milk in a given number of days.

In the second case:
Number of patients = Total liters of milk consumed / (Rate * Number of days)

Substituting the given values:
Number of patients = 1710 liters / (0.643 liters/patient-day * 28 days)
= 1710 liters / 18.044 liters/patient-day
≈ 94.89 patients

Since we can't have a fraction of a patient, we round up to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, approximately 95 patients will consume 1710 liters of milk in 28 days, assuming the same rate as the original scenario.


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