There are three natural numbers. The first and second are less than the third by 40 % and 50 % respectively. what percentage of the second number is the first number

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f , s , t

.6 t , .5 t , t

.6 t / .5 t = 1.2 = 120%


To find the percentage of the second number that the first number represents, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Assume a value for the third number. Let's assume the third number is 100.

Step 2: Calculate the first and second numbers based on the given percentages.
- The first number is 40% less than the third number, so it will be: 100 - (40% of 100) = 100 - 40 = 60.
- The second number is 50% less than the third number, so it will be: 100 - (50% of 100) = 100 - 50 = 50.

Step 3: Calculate the percentage of the second number that the first number represents.
- Divide the first number by the second number: 60 / 50 = 1.2.

Step 4: Convert the result to a percentage.
- Multiply the result by 100: 1.2 * 100 = 120%.

Therefore, the first number represents 120% of the second number.

To find the percentage of the second number that the first number represents, we need to follow these steps:

1. Let's assume the third number as x.

2. The first number is given to be 40% less than x, which means it is equal to (100% - 40%) of x.
Therefore, the first number is 60% of x, or 0.6x.

3. The second number is given to be 50% less than x, which means it is equal to (100% - 50%) of x.
Therefore, the second number is 50% of x, or 0.5x.

4. Now, we need to find the percentage of the second number that the first number represents.
This can be calculated as (first number / second number) * 100.

Let's plug in the values:
percentage = (0.6x / 0.5x) * 100

5. Simplify the expression:
percentage = (0.6 / 0.5) * 100

6. Calculate the ratio:
percentage = 1.2 * 100

7. Calculate the final answer:
percentage = 120%

Therefore, the first number is 120% of the second number.