How do I write the equation for this:

sum of ten and nineteen

To write the equation for the sum of ten and nineteen, you can use mathematical notation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Identify the numbers involved:
The numbers in this case are ten and nineteen.

Step 2: Represent the numbers using variables:
Let's use the variable "x" to represent ten and the variable "y" to represent nineteen.

Step 3: Write the equation:
The equation for the sum of ten and nineteen can be written as:

x + y

Substituting the variables, the equation becomes:

10 + 19

Simplifying the equation:

10 + 19 = 29

So, the equation for the sum of ten and nineteen is x + y = 29, where x is equal to ten and y is equal to nineteen.