Every 1 1/2 on a wilderness map represents 1 mile. If the actual distance between two likes is 10 miles how far apart are the lakes on the map?

To determine the distance between the two lakes on the map, we need to figure out the scale factor. In this case, we know that every 1 1/2 on the map represents 1 mile in reality. The actual distance between the lakes is given as 10 miles.

To find the distance between the lakes on the map, we can set up a proportion:

1 1/2 on the map -> 1 mile in reality
X on the map -> 10 miles in reality

We can cross-multiply and solve for X:

(1 1/2) * 10 = X

To perform this calculation, we need to convert the mixed number 1 1/2 into an improper fraction.

1 1/2 is the same as 3/2.

So we have:

(3/2) * 10 = X

Next, multiply:

(3/2) * 10 = 30/2 = 15

Therefore, the distance between the two lakes on the map is 15 miles.

10 * 1 1/2 = ?