Change the italicized clause to a nominative absolute. Rewrite the entire sentence in the box below.

As the hurricane season was over, people returned to the cottages on the beach.

as the hurricane season was over is italicized.

Read and study the examples here. Then give it a try. Someone here will check your work.

The hurricane season being over, people returned to the cottages on the beach.

To rewrite the italicized clause as a nominative absolute, we need to remove the subject and make the verb a participle. In this case, the subject is "the hurricane season" and the verb is "was over."

To form a nominative absolute, we need to change the verb "was over" to a participle. The participle form of "was over" is "having ended."

Now, let's rewrite the entire sentence with the changed nominative absolute:

Having ended the hurricane season, people returned to the cottages on the beach.

Note: In the revised sentence, the nominative absolute "Having ended the hurricane season" serves as an introductory phrase that provides additional information about the main clause.