Describe the ammonium ion, NH4+, and the sulfate ion, SO42-. What compounds would these ions form with potassium and fluoride ions? Write the formula

units for the resulting compounds.

K2SO4 = potassium sulfate

NH4)F = ammonium fluoride

The ammonium ion, NH4+, is a positively charged polyatomic ion composed of one nitrogen atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms. It has a total charge of +1.

The sulfate ion, SO42-, is a negatively charged polyatomic ion composed of one sulfur atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. It has a total charge of -2.

When the ammonium ion reacts with potassium ions (K+), it forms the compound ammonium potassium. The formula unit for this compound is (NH4)K.

When the sulfate ion reacts with fluoride ions (F-), it forms the compound ammonium fluoride. The formula unit for this compound is (NH4)F.

The ammonium ion, NH4+, consists of one nitrogen atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms. It has a positive charge of +1 due to the donation of one electron from each of the four hydrogen atoms to the nitrogen atom, resulting in the formation of four strong covalent bonds.

The sulfate ion, SO42-, is composed of one sulfur atom bonded to four oxygen atoms. It carries a charge of -2 due to the two additional electrons it accepts from other atoms to complete its octet. The sulfur atom forms strong covalent bonds with the oxygen atoms, and there is also resonance within the ion.

To determine the compounds formed between these ions and potassium and fluoride ions, we need to take into account the charges of the ions. The potassium ion is K+, which has a charge of +1, while the fluoride ion is F-, with a charge of -1.

When these ions combine, they form compounds that have a neutral charge. To balance the charges, we need to ensure that the sum of the positive charges from the cations (ammonium or potassium) equals the sum of the negative charges from the anions (sulfate or fluoride).

If we combine ammonium (NH4+) with fluoride (F-), we need one ammonium ion (+1) to balance one fluoride ion (-1). Therefore, the resulting compound is ammonium fluoride, and its formula unit is NH4F.

On the other hand, if we combine sulfate (SO42-) with potassium (K+), we require two potassium ions (+2) to balance one sulfate ion (-2). Thus, the resulting compound is potassium sulfate, and its formula unit is K2SO4.

So, to summarize:

- The compound formed between ammonium (NH4+) and fluoride (F-) is ammonium fluoride (NH4F).
- The compound formed between sulfate (SO42-) and potassium (K+) is potassium sulfate (K2SO4).

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