at the beginning of the day, the dow jones index was at $10,287.56. At the end of the day it was at $10,005.23. What was the rate of change of the Dow Jones on this particular day? Express your answer as percentage and round to 2 decimal places.

(10,287.56 - 10,005.23) / 10,287.56 = ?

Multiply your decimal answer by 100 to get the percentage.



To calculate the rate of change of the Dow Jones index, we need to find the difference between the beginning and ending values, and then express it as a percentage of the original value.

Step 1: Find the difference
The difference between the beginning and ending values can be calculated by subtracting the starting value from the ending value:
Difference = Ending Value - Starting Value
Difference = $10,005.23 - $10,287.56

Step 2: Calculate the rate of change
To express the difference as a percentage of the original value, divide the difference by the starting value and multiply by 100:
Rate of Change = (Difference / Starting Value) * 100

Now we can calculate the rate of change:
Rate of Change = (10,005.23 - 10,287.56) / 10,287.56 * 100

Using a calculator, we can find:
Rate of Change ≈ -2.74% (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Therefore, the rate of change of the Dow Jones index on this particular day is approximately -2.74%.