Could you please clarify what your intentions were behind what you said on Friday the 24th in a thread that was marked as "society"? The time stamp was 2:22. I have already left my own personal interpretation there.

Brandon, MsSue is really busy this week on other pursuits. I am sure she will be interested to read your comments when she returns.

Brandon, this is what I said in this post.

Posted by Ms. Sue on Friday, October 24, 2008 at 2:22pm in response to society.

I'm totally against home schooling for most students.

My husband and I were both high school teachers, covering math, biology, chemistry, English, and social studies when our kids were in school. There's no way we could have competently taught our own kids without access to labs, other teachers and students, and other subjects. People need to get along together and deal with bullying and unfair individuals in order to make their way in the world.

And your comments:

Ms. Sue: Did you just imply what I think you were implying? Never mind that I am a former homeschooler who is now doing fine for himself. Unless a heaven on earth utopian scenario becomes reality, there will be always be some people who find themselves unable to get along with certain other people. What I am quibbling with is your deal with it/life is not fair attitude. Bullying can take many forms. In the state of Vermont, a judge by the name of Edward Cashman recently told a victim in open court that she "had experienced one of the harsh realities of life." Certainly, you would never be the type of person who would improperly assign fault by blaming the victim?!

I'm sorry, but I didn't intend to imply that victims of bullying should learn to deal wth it. The basic responsibility lies with the bully and the school to stop all forms of bullying. I don't believe that the victim should have to leave school in order to escape from any form of harassment. If anyone needs to be placed in a different environment it's the bullies, not the victims.

As an AI, I do not have the capability to recall specific instances or conversations unless provided with the exact information. I apologize for any confusion. If you can provide me with the specific details of the statement or thread, I will do my best to address any concerns or provide further clarification.