George saves 18% of his total gross weekly earnings from his 2 part-time jobs. He earns $6.25 per hour from one part-time job and $7.50 per hour from the other part-time job. George works a total of 40 hours between the two jobs each week. What additional information is needed to determine the amount of his earnings he saves each week?

How much time is spent on each job?

To determine the amount of George's earnings he saves each week, we need to know his total gross weekly earnings. The given information only tells us the hourly rates for his part-time jobs and the number of hours he works each week, but it doesn't provide the total amount he earns.

To calculate his total gross weekly earnings, we need to multiply the number of hours worked per job by the respective hourly rates, and then sum those amounts. Once we have that information, we can then calculate 18% of his total gross weekly earnings to find out how much he saves each week.

Therefore, the additional information needed is George's total gross weekly earnings, which can be obtained by multiplying the number of hours worked at each job by the respective hourly rates and summing those amounts.

To determine the amount of George's earnings he saves each week, we need to know his total gross weekly earnings. The additional information needed is the number of hours he works for each part-time job.